罗凌云,中科院软件所博士,美国Case Western Reserve University博士后、访问学者。南华大学副教授、硕士研究生导师、十佳优秀教师,湖南省青年骨干教师, 国家自然科学基金函评专家。主要研究方向为人工智能及大数据技术在医学信息学领域的应用。近年来,主持国家自然科学基金、湖南省自然科学基金等课题十余项,发表SCI/EI/Pubmed收录论文二十余篇。现任中文信息学会医疗知识图谱工作组执行委员,美国医学信息学协会 (AMIA)会员。研究生招生要求:具备科研热情,有较强的逻辑思维能力、编程能力及英文写作能力,有自主学习的积极性,专业背景不限。联系方式:luoly<at>usc<dot>edu<dot>cn

1. 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目,61502221,大型复杂医学领域本体质量评估理论研究,2016/01-2018/12,主持
2. 国家留学基金委地方合作项目,201708430227, “访问学者”计划, 2018/03-2019/03,主持
3. 湖南省自然科学基金青年项目,2019JJ50520,医药本体中层次语义关系平衡度问题研究,2019/01-2021/12,主持
4. 湖南省教育厅优秀青年项目,14B153,医学领域本体SNOMED-CT质量评估模型建立及应用研究,2014/09-2017/08,主持
5. 湖南省“十三五”教育科学规划课题,以提高交叉创新能力为导向的医学信息工程专业人才培养模式研究,2017/09-2019/08,主持
8.南华大学博士后启动基金项目,2013XQD07,2013-至今, 主持
9.南华大学研究生教研教改课题,2017JG014,2017-至今, 主持
10.南华大学哲学社会科学基金,2014XYB12,2014-2016, 主持
11.南华大学教研教改课题,2014XJG05,2014-2016, 主持
1.Zhong Y, Xi X, Shen C, Luo Y, Ding P, Luo L*. Multitask Joint Learning with Graph Autoencoders for Predicting Potential MiRNA-Drug Associations. Artificial Intelligence In Medicine. November 2023(145): 102665. (SCI)
2.Shan W, Shen C, Luo L, Ding P*. Multi-task Learning for Predicting Synergistic Drug Combinations based on Auto-Encoding Multi-Relational Graphs. iScience 26, 108020, October 20, 2023 (SCI)
3.Chen C, Luo L*, Zheng C, Ding P, Liu H, Luo H. Self-prediction of relations in GO facilitates its quality auditing. J Biomed Inform. 2023 Aug;144:104441. doi: 10.1016/j.jbi.2023.104441. (SCI)
4.Luo H, Li Y, Liu H, Ding P, Yu Y, Luo L*. SENet: A deep learning framework for discriminating super- and typical enhancers by sequence information, Computational Biology and Chemistry, Volume 105, 2023,107905.107905. (SCI)
5.Wu Z, Li S, Luo L*, Ding P*. HKFGCN: A novel multiple kernel fusion framework on graph convolutional network to predict microbe-drug associations. APBC 2023. (CCF)
6.Luo Y, Peng L, Shan W, Sun M, Luo L, Liang W. Machine learning in the development of targeting microRNAs in human disease. Frontiers in Genetics, January 2023. (SCI)
7.Luo H, Shan W, Chen C, Ding P, Luo L*. Improving language model of human genome for DNA-protein binding prediction based on task-specific pre-training. Interdisciplinary Sciences: Computational Life Sciences. 2023 Mar;15(1):32-43.doi: 10.1007/s12539-022-00537-9. PMID: 36136096. (SCI)
8.Luo H, Chen C, Shan W, Ding P, Luo L*. iEnhancer-BERT: A novel transfer learning architecture based on DNA-language model for identifying enhancers and their strength. International Conference on Intelligent Computing August 7-11, 2022, Xi’an, China (CCF)
9.Zhong Y, Shen C, Wu H, Xu T, Luo L*. Improving the prediction of potential kinase inhibitors with feature learning on multisource knowledge. Interdisciplinary Sciences: Computational Life Sciences. 2022 Sep;14(3):775-785. doi: 10.1007/s12539-022-00523-1. PMID: 35536538. (SCI)
10.Jiang S, Wu H, Luo L*. Infusing Biomedical Knowledge into BERT for Chinese Biomedical NLP Tasks with Adversarial Training[C]. Asia Service Sciences and Software Engineering Conference 2022. (EI)
11.Wu H, Zhong Y, Tian Y, Jiang S, Luo L*. Automatic diagnosis of COVID-19 infection based on ontology reasoning. BMC Medical informatics and decision making. 2021. Nov 16;21(Suppl 9):271. doi: 10.1186/s12911-021-01629-0. (SCI)
12.Chen X, Luo L, Shen C, Ding P, Luo J. An In Silico Method for Predicting Drug Synergy Based on Multitask Learning. Interdisciplinary Sciences: Computational Life Sciences. 2021.(SCI)
13.Luo L*, Feng J, Wang J. Automatic Structuring of Ontology Terms Based on Lexical Granularity and Machine Learning: Algorithm Development and Validation. JMIR medical informatics. 8(11):e22333, 2020. (SCI)