
1 A Novel Sparse Penalty For Singular Value Decomposition, Chinese Journal of Electronics. 2017 (SCI)
2. Quantum dots-based double imaging combined with organic dye imaging to establish an automatic computerized method for cancer Ki67 measurement, Scientic Reports, 2016 (SCI)
3. Novel Breast Cancer Prognostic Factors Identied by Computer-aided Quantitative Analysis of HE Stained Histopathological Images. Scientic Reports,2015(SCI)
4. Segmentation of Hematoxylin-Eosin stained breast cancer histopatholical images based on pixel-wise SVM classifier. SCIENCE CHINA Information Sciences. 2015 (CCF B, SCI, EI)
5. A suffient descent Liu–Storey conjugate gradient method and its global convergence, Optimization. 2015(SCI)
6. Two-step segmentation of Hematoxylin-Eosin stained histopathological images for prognosis of breast cancer. IEEE BIBM 2014. Regular Paper.(CCF B)
7. The convergence rate of a three-term HS method with restart strategy for unconstrained optimization problems. Optimization. 2014 (SCI)
8. A modified Polak-Ribiere-Polyak descent method for unconstrained optimization, Optimization Methods and Software, 2014 (SCI,EI)
9. Some sufficient descent conjugate gradient methods and their global convergence, Computational and Applied Mathematics,2014 (SCI)
9 A modified DPR and CG-DESCENT method for unconstrained optimization, Pacific Journal of Optimization, 2013 (SCI)
10. Rate of Convergence of a Restarted CG-DESCENT Method, Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization, 2013 (SCI,EI)
11. n-Step quadratic convergence of a restart Liu-Storey type method,Computational and Applied Mathematics,2013(SCI)
12. Computer-Based Image Studies onTumor Nests Mathematical Features of Breast Cancer and Their Clinical Prognostic Value, Plos One,2013 (SCI)
13. The convergence rate of a restart MFRconjugate gradient method with inexact line search. Applied Mathematic andComputation, 2012 (SCI,EI)
1. 融合深度全卷积网络和稀疏字典的病理细胞核分割研究(国家自然科学基金,61701218)
2. 基于学习的病理细胞核检测和分割(湖南省自然科学基金,2018JJ3449)
3. 基于病理图像分析的乳腺癌预后预测研究(湖南省教育厅青年项目,17B229)
4. 基于深度卷积神经网络的火焰检测方法研究(湖南省教育厅重点项目,16A182)
5. 计算机辅助病理诊断研究(衡阳市科技计划项目,2016KG90)
6. 基于病理图像的计算机辅助乳腺癌预后预测研究(南华大学博士启动基金)