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2024-09-12 16:52  





[1] 国家自然科学基金,11905101,非对称热负荷下铅基快堆冷/热铅池热分层耦合响应机理及其对自然循环能力影响研究,2020/01~2022/12,结题,主持;

[2] 核能开发科研项目子课题,典型事故的不确定性分析,2021.01~2023.12,在研,主持;

[3] 中国核动力研究设计院, 11203002053-05-FW-HT-2022001, 环形燃料有效温度计算与验证, 2022.04 ~ 2023.07,在研, 主持;

[4] 湖南省自然科学基金,2019JJ40239,驱动循环铅冷快堆非对称运行工况下复杂三维热工水力现象及其影响研究,2019/01~2021/12,结题,主持;

[5] 核反应堆系统设计技术国家级重点实验室基金,HT-KFKT-10-2018001,小型长寿命自然循环铅铋快堆关键技术概念研究,2018/10~2020/10,结题,主持;

[6] 中国核动力研究设计院横向委托课题,铅铋堆热工水力与安全分析准则及标准规范研究,2019/10~2020/10,结题,主持。


[1] 赵鹏程,刘紫静,于涛,. 小型铅基快堆热工流体特性研究[M]. 中国原子能出版社, 2019.

[1] Xiang Z, Chen Q, Zhao P*. Application of data-driven model reduction techniques in reactor neutron field calculations[J]. Nuclear Engineering and Technology, 2024.

[2] Zhang A, Chun S, Cheng Z, Zhao P*. Predicting the core thermal hydraulic parameters with a gated recurrent unit model based on the soft attention mechanism [J]. Nuclear Engineering and Technology, 2024.

[3] Tang M, Yang J, Zhao P*, et al. Research on design requirements for passive residual heat removal system of lead cooled fast reactor via model-based system engineering[J]. Nuclear Engineering and Technology, 2024.

[4] Yang T, Zhao P*, Zhao Y, et al. Development of reduced-order thermal stratification model for upper plenum of a lead–bismuth fast reactor based on CFD[J]. Nuclear Engineering and Technology, 2023.

[5] Xiao Y, Peng L, Zhao P*, et al. A novel method for calculating annular fuel cell resonance effective temperature[J]. Annals of Nuclear Energy, 2023, 192: 109950.

[6] Peng L, Zhao P*, Yu T. Study on anti-disturbance capacity of LBE cooled double loop natural circulation system under asymmetric conditions[J]. Annals of Nuclear Energy, 2023, 182: 109584.

[7] Zhao P*, Wang T, Zhu E, et al. Research on proportional method for experimental facility of lead-based fast reactor with natural circulation[J]. Annals of Nuclear Energy, 2022, 172: 109096.

[8] Zhu E, Chen Q, Zhao P*, et al. Research on multi-objective optimization method for flow distribution of natural circulation reactor during its life-cycle[J]. Annals of Nuclear Energy, 2022, 176: 109266.

[9] Wang T, Wang Y, Zhao P*, et al. Study on the key influencing factors of reverse flow in U-tube steam generator under natural circulation[J]. Annals of Nuclear Energy, 2022, 171: 109035.

[10] Xiao Y, Yang J, Zhao P*, et al. Research on core power maximization method of natural circulation lead-bismuth cooled fast reactor[J]. Frontiers in Energy Research, 2022, 10: 961547.

[11] Yu Q, Dai S, Zhao P*, et al. Intelligent Optimization Method for Core Flow Zoning of Long-Cycle Lead-Bismuth-Cooled Reactor[J]. Frontiers in Energy Research, 2022, 10: 849874.

[12] Yi J, Ji N, Zhao P*, et al. Research on the method of predicting CEFR core thermal hydraulic parameters based on adaptive radial basis function neural network[J]. Frontiers in Energy Research, 2022, 10: 961901.

[13] Shi W, Yi F, Zhao P*, et al. Flow distribution investigation and sensitive analyses on reverse flow in U-tubes of steam generator under natural circulation[J]. Annals of Nuclear Energy, 2021, 154: 108112.

[14] Zhao P, Lei Z, Yu T, et al. Uncertainty analysis in coupled neutronic/thermal-hydraulic calculations based on computational fluid dynamics[J]. Annals of Nuclear Energy, 2021, 156: 108215.

[15] Zhu E, Wang T, Zhao P*, et al. Stability analysis of a parallel channel-loop system with single-phase natural circulation under asymmetric conditions[J]. Annals of Nuclear Energy, 2021, 163: 108552.

[16] Guo C, Zhao P*, Deng J, et al. Safety analysis of small modular natural circulation lead-cooled fast reactor SNCLFR-100 under unprotected transient[J]. Frontiers in Energy Research, 2021, 9: 678939.

[17] Yang T, Zhao P*, Li Q, et al. Study on Thermophysical Properties of a Lead–Bismuth-Based Graphene Nanofluid[J]. Frontiers in Energy Research, 2021, 9: 727447.

[18] Zhao P, Liu Z, Yu T, et al. Code development on steady-state thermal-hydraulic for small modular natural circulation lead-based fast reactor[J]. Nuclear Engineering and Technology, 2020, 52(12): 2789-2802.

[19] Zhao P, Shi K, Li S, et al. CFD analysis of the primary cooling system for the small modular natural circulation lead cooled fast reactor SNRLFR-100[J]. Science and Technology of Nuclear Installations, 2016, 2016.

[20] Zhao P, Li S, Chen Z, et al. Natural circulation characteristics analysis of a small modular natural circulation lead–bismuth eutectic cooled fast reactor[J]. Progress in Nuclear Energy, 2015, 83: 220-228.


[1] 易金豪,陈琪,赵鹏程. 一种用于液态金属冷却反应堆的双层直管换热管[P]. 湖南省:CN114708996A,2022-07-05.

[2] 翟鹏迪,赵鹏程,朱恩平等. 一种基于石墨烯气溶胶的芯块-包壳间间隙传热改善方法[P]. 湖南省:CN112951455A,2021-06-11.

[3] 王天石,赵鹏程,刘紫静等. 一种铅基快堆压力容器及其下封头[P]. 湖南省:CN110942834A,2020-03-31.

[4] 刘紫静,赵鹏程. 一种基于气举的液态金属冷却池式反应堆多功能堆内热分隔系统[P]. 湖南省:CN106409353B,2018-09-07.

[5] 刘紫静,赵鹏程. 一种液态金属冷却池式反应堆非能动事故余热排出系统[P]. 湖南省:CN106653107B,2018-09-07.

[6] 赵鹏程,陈钊,周光明等. 一种液态重金属冷却自然循环池式反应堆堆内辅助加热系统[P]. 安徽省:CN103730172B,2016-04-13.

[7] 赵鹏程,王桂梅,周光明等. 一种液态重金属冷却自然循环池式反应堆辅助加热系统[P]. 安徽省:CN103730171B,2016-03-02.









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